Source code for amanobot.text

def _apply_entities(text, entities, escape_map, format_map):
    def inside_entities(i):
        return any(map(lambda e:
                           e['offset'] <= i < e['offset']+e['length'],

    # Split string into char sequence and escape in-place to
    # preserve index positions.
    seq = list(map(lambda c,i:
                       escape_map[c]     # escape special characters
                           if c in escape_map and not inside_entities(i)
                       else c,
                   list(text),           # split string to char sequence
                   range(0,len(text))))  # along with each char's index

    # Ensure smaller offsets come first
    sorted_entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda e: e['offset'])
    offset = 0
    result = ''

    for e in sorted_entities:
        f,n,t = e['offset'], e['length'], e['type']

        result += ''.join(seq[offset:f])

        if t in format_map:
            # apply format
            result += format_map[t](''.join(seq[f:f+n]), e)
            result += ''.join(seq[f:f+n])

        offset = f + n

    result += ''.join(seq[offset:])
    return result

[docs]def apply_entities_as_markdown(text, entities): """ Format text as Markdown. Also take care of escaping special characters. Returned value can be passed to :meth:`.Bot.sendMessage` with appropriate ``parse_mode``. :param text: plain text :param entities: a list of `MessageEntity <>`_ objects """ escapes = {'*': '\\*', '_': '\\_', '[': '\\[', '`': '\\`',} formatters = {'bold': lambda s,e: '*'+s+'*', 'italic': lambda s,e: '_'+s+'_', 'text_link': lambda s,e: '['+s+']('+e['url']+')', 'text_mention': lambda s,e: '['+s+'](tg://user?id='+str(e['user']['id'])+')', 'code': lambda s,e: '`'+s+'`', 'pre': lambda s,e: '```text\n'+s+'```'} return _apply_entities(text, entities, escapes, formatters)
[docs]def apply_entities_as_html(text, entities): """ Format text as HTML. Also take care of escaping special characters. Returned value can be passed to :meth:`.Bot.sendMessage` with appropriate ``parse_mode``. :param text: plain text :param entities: a list of `MessageEntity <>`_ objects """ escapes = {'<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;', '&': '&amp;',} formatters = {'bold': lambda s,e: '<b>'+s+'</b>', 'italic': lambda s,e: '<i>'+s+'</i>', 'text_link': lambda s,e: '<a href="'+e['url']+'">'+s+'</a>', 'text_mention': lambda s,e: '<a href="tg://user?id='+str(e['user']['id'])+'">'+s+'</a>', 'code': lambda s,e: '<code>'+s+'</code>', 'pre': lambda s,e: '<pre>'+s+'</pre>'} return _apply_entities(text, entities, escapes, formatters)