Source code for amanobot.routing

This module has a bunch of key function factories and routing table factories
to facilitate the use of :class:`.Router`.

Things to remember:

1. A key function takes one argument - the message, and returns a key, optionally
   followed by positional arguments and keyword arguments.

2. A routing table is just a dictionary. After obtaining one from a factory
   function, you can customize it to your liking.

import re

from . import glance, _isstring, all_content_types

[docs]def by_content_type(): """ :return: A key function that returns a 2-tuple (content_type, (msg[content_type],)). In plain English, it returns the message's *content type* as the key, and the corresponding content as a positional argument to the handler function. """ def f(msg): content_type = glance(msg, flavor='chat')[0] return content_type, (msg[content_type],) return f
[docs]def by_command(extractor, prefix=('/',), separator=' ', pass_args=False): """ :param extractor: a function that takes one argument (the message) and returns a portion of message to be interpreted. To extract the text of a chat message, use ``lambda msg: msg['text']``. :param prefix: a list of special characters expected to indicate the head of a command. :param separator: a command may be followed by arguments separated by ``separator``. :type pass_args: bool :param pass_args: If ``True``, arguments following a command will be passed to the handler function. :return: a key function that interprets a specific part of a message and returns the embedded command, optionally followed by arguments. If the text is not preceded by any of the specified ``prefix``, it returns a 1-tuple ``(None,)`` as the key. This is to distinguish with the special ``None`` key in routing table. """ if not isinstance(prefix, (tuple, list)): prefix = (prefix,) def f(msg): text = extractor(msg) for px in prefix: if text.startswith(px): chunks = text[len(px):].split(separator) return chunks[0], (chunks[1:],) if pass_args else () return (None,), # to distinguish with `None` return f
[docs]def by_chat_command(prefix=('/',), separator=' ', pass_args=False): """ :param prefix: a list of special characters expected to indicate the head of a command. :param separator: a command may be followed by arguments separated by ``separator``. :type pass_args: bool :param pass_args: If ``True``, arguments following a command will be passed to the handler function. :return: a key function that interprets a chat message's text and returns the embedded command, optionally followed by arguments. If the text is not preceded by any of the specified ``prefix``, it returns a 1-tuple ``(None,)`` as the key. This is to distinguish with the special ``None`` key in routing table. """ return by_command(lambda msg: msg['text'], prefix, separator, pass_args)
[docs]def by_text(): """ :return: a key function that returns a message's ``text`` field. """ return lambda msg: msg['text']
[docs]def by_data(): """ :return: a key function that returns a message's ``data`` field. """ return lambda msg: msg['data']
[docs]def by_regex(extractor, regex, key=1): """ :param extractor: a function that takes one argument (the message) and returns a portion of message to be interpreted. To extract the text of a chat message, use ``lambda msg: msg['text']``. :type regex: str or regex object :param regex: the pattern to look for :param key: the part of match object to be used as key :return: a key function that returns ```` as key (where ``match`` is the match object) and the match object as a positional argument. If no match is found, it returns a 1-tuple ``(None,)`` as the key. This is to distinguish with the special ``None`` key in routing table. """ if _isstring(regex): regex = re.compile(regex) def f(msg): text = extractor(msg) match = if match: index = key if isinstance(key, tuple) else (key,) return*index), (match,) return (None,), # to distinguish with `None` return f
[docs]def process_key(processor, fn): """ :param processor: a function to process the key returned by the supplied key function :param fn: a key function :return: a function that wraps around the supplied key function to further process the key before returning. """ def f(*aa, **kw): k = fn(*aa, **kw) if isinstance(k, (tuple, list)): return (processor(k[0]),) + tuple(k[1:]) return processor(k) return f
[docs]def lower_key(fn): """ :param fn: a key function :return: a function that wraps around the supplied key function to ensure the returned key is in lowercase. """ def lower(key): try: return key.lower() except AttributeError: return key return process_key(lower, fn)
[docs]def upper_key(fn): """ :param fn: a key function :return: a function that wraps around the supplied key function to ensure the returned key is in uppercase. """ def upper(key): try: return key.upper() except AttributeError: return key return process_key(upper, fn)
[docs]def make_routing_table(obj, keys, prefix='on_'): """ :return: a dictionary roughly equivalent to ``{'key1': obj.on_key1, 'key2': obj.on_key2, ...}``, but ``obj`` does not have to define all methods. It may define the needed ones only. :param obj: the object :param keys: a list of keys :param prefix: a string to be prepended to keys to make method names """ def maptuple(k): if isinstance(k, tuple): if len(k) == 2: return k if len(k) == 1: return k[0], lambda *aa, **kw: getattr(obj, prefix+k[0])(*aa, **kw) raise ValueError() else: return k, lambda *aa, **kw: getattr(obj, prefix+k)(*aa, **kw) # Use `lambda` to delay evaluation of `getattr`. # I don't want to require definition of all methods. # Let users define only the ones he needs. return dict([maptuple(k) for k in keys])
[docs]def make_content_type_routing_table(obj, prefix='on_'): """ :return: a dictionary covering all available content types, roughly equivalent to ``{'text': obj.on_text, 'photo': obj.on_photo, ...}``, but ``obj`` does not have to define all methods. It may define the needed ones only. :param obj: the object :param prefix: a string to be prepended to content types to make method names """ return make_routing_table(obj, all_content_types, prefix)