Source code for amanobot.delegate

import traceback
from functools import wraps

from . import exception
from . import flavor, peel, is_event, chat_flavors, inline_flavors

def _wrap_none(fn):
    def w(*args, **kwargs):
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)
        except (KeyError, exception.BadFlavor):
            return None
    return w

[docs]def per_chat_id(types='all'): """ :param types: ``all`` or a list of chat types (``private``, ``group``, ``channel``) :return: a seeder function that returns the chat id only if the chat type is in ``types``. """ return _wrap_none(lambda msg: msg['chat']['id'] if types == 'all' or msg['chat']['type'] in types else None)
[docs]def per_chat_id_in(s, types='all'): """ :param s: a list or set of chat id :param types: ``all`` or a list of chat types (``private``, ``group``, ``channel``) :return: a seeder function that returns the chat id only if the chat id is in ``s`` and chat type is in ``types``. """ return _wrap_none(lambda msg: msg['chat']['id'] if (types == 'all' or msg['chat']['type'] in types) and msg['chat']['id'] in s else None)
[docs]def per_chat_id_except(s, types='all'): """ :param s: a list or set of chat id :param types: ``all`` or a list of chat types (``private``, ``group``, ``channel``) :return: a seeder function that returns the chat id only if the chat id is *not* in ``s`` and chat type is in ``types``. """ return _wrap_none(lambda msg: msg['chat']['id'] if (types == 'all' or msg['chat']['type'] in types) and msg['chat']['id'] not in s else None)
[docs]def per_from_id(flavors=chat_flavors+inline_flavors): """ :param flavors: ``all`` or a list of flavors :return: a seeder function that returns the from id only if the message flavor is in ``flavors``. """ return _wrap_none(lambda msg: msg['from']['id'] if flavors == 'all' or flavor(msg) in flavors else None)
[docs]def per_from_id_in(s, flavors=chat_flavors+inline_flavors): """ :param s: a list or set of from id :param flavors: ``all`` or a list of flavors :return: a seeder function that returns the from id only if the from id is in ``s`` and message flavor is in ``flavors``. """ return _wrap_none(lambda msg: msg['from']['id'] if (flavors == 'all' or flavor(msg) in flavors) and msg['from']['id'] in s else None)
[docs]def per_from_id_except(s, flavors=chat_flavors+inline_flavors): """ :param s: a list or set of from id :param flavors: ``all`` or a list of flavors :return: a seeder function that returns the from id only if the from id is *not* in ``s`` and message flavor is in ``flavors``. """ return _wrap_none(lambda msg: msg['from']['id'] if (flavors == 'all' or flavor(msg) in flavors) and msg['from']['id'] not in s else None)
[docs]def per_inline_from_id(): """ :return: a seeder function that returns the from id only if the message flavor is ``inline_query`` or ``chosen_inline_result`` """ return per_from_id(flavors=inline_flavors)
[docs]def per_inline_from_id_in(s): """ :param s: a list or set of from id :return: a seeder function that returns the from id only if the message flavor is ``inline_query`` or ``chosen_inline_result`` and the from id is in ``s``. """ return per_from_id_in(s, flavors=inline_flavors)
[docs]def per_inline_from_id_except(s): """ :param s: a list or set of from id :return: a seeder function that returns the from id only if the message flavor is ``inline_query`` or ``chosen_inline_result`` and the from id is *not* in ``s``. """ return per_from_id_except(s, flavors=inline_flavors)
[docs]def per_application(): """ :return: a seeder function that always returns 1, ensuring at most one delegate is ever spawned for the entire application. """ return lambda msg: 1
[docs]def per_message(flavors='all'): """ :param flavors: ``all`` or a list of flavors :return: a seeder function that returns a non-hashable only if the message flavor is in ``flavors``. """ return _wrap_none(lambda msg: [] if flavors == 'all' or flavor(msg) in flavors else None)
[docs]def per_event_source_id(event_space): """ :return: a seeder function that returns an event's source id only if that event's source space equals to ``event_space``. """ def f(event): if is_event(event): v = peel(event) if v['source']['space'] == event_space: return v['source']['id'] return None else: return None return _wrap_none(f)
[docs]def per_callback_query_chat_id(types='all'): """ :param types: ``all`` or a list of chat types (``private``, ``group``, ``channel``) :return: a seeder function that returns a callback query's originating chat id if the chat type is in ``types``. """ def f(msg): if (flavor(msg) == 'callback_query' and 'message' in msg and (types == 'all' or msg['message']['chat']['type'] in types)): return msg['message']['chat']['id'] return None return f
[docs]def per_callback_query_origin(origins='all'): """ :param origins: ``all`` or a list of origin types (``chat``, ``inline``) :return: a seeder function that returns a callback query's origin identifier if that origin type is in ``origins``. The origin identifier is guaranteed to be a tuple. """ def f(msg): def origin_type_ok(): return (origins == 'all' or ('chat' in origins and 'message' in msg) or ('inline' in origins and 'inline_message_id' in msg)) if flavor(msg) == 'callback_query' and origin_type_ok(): if 'inline_message_id' in msg: return msg['inline_message_id'], return msg['message']['chat']['id'], msg['message']['message_id'] else: return None return f
[docs]def per_invoice_payload(): """ :return: a seeder function that returns the invoice payload. """ def f(msg): if 'successful_payment' in msg: return msg['successful_payment']['invoice_payload'] return msg['invoice_payload'] return _wrap_none(f)
[docs]def call(func, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: a delegator function that returns a tuple (``func``, (seed tuple,)+ ``args``, ``kwargs``). That is, seed tuple is inserted before supplied positional arguments. By default, a thread wrapping ``func`` and all those arguments is spawned. """ def f(seed_tuple): return func, (seed_tuple,)+args, kwargs return f
[docs]def create_run(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: a delegator function that calls the ``cls`` constructor whose arguments being a seed tuple followed by supplied ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``, then returns the object's ``run`` method. By default, a thread wrapping that ``run`` method is spawned. """ def f(seed_tuple): j = cls(seed_tuple, *args, **kwargs) return return f
[docs]def create_open(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: a delegator function that calls the ``cls`` constructor whose arguments being a seed tuple followed by supplied ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``, then returns a looping function that uses the object's ``listener`` to wait for messages and invokes instance method ``open``, ``on_message``, and ``on_close`` accordingly. By default, a thread wrapping that looping function is spawned. """ def f(seed_tuple): j = cls(seed_tuple, *args, **kwargs) def wait_loop(): bot, msg, seed = seed_tuple try: handled =, seed) if not handled: j.on_message(msg) while 1: msg = j.listener.wait() j.on_message(msg) # These exceptions are "normal" exits. except (exception.IdleTerminate, exception.StopListening) as e: j.on_close(e) # Any other exceptions are accidents. **Print it out.** # This is to prevent swallowing exceptions in the case that on_close() # gets overridden but fails to account for unexpected exceptions. except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() j.on_close(e) return wait_loop return f
[docs]def until(condition, fns): """ Try a list of seeder functions until a condition is met. :param condition: a function that takes one argument - a seed - and returns ``True`` or ``False`` :param fns: a list of seeder functions :return: a "composite" seeder function that calls each supplied function in turn, and returns the first seed where the condition is met. If the condition is never met, it returns ``None``. """ def f(msg): for fn in fns: seed = fn(msg) if condition(seed): return seed return None return f
[docs]def chain(*fns): """ :return: a "composite" seeder function that calls each supplied function in turn, and returns the first seed that is not ``None``. """ return until(lambda seed: seed is not None, fns)
def _ensure_seeders_list(fn): @wraps(fn) def e(seeders, *aa, **kw): return fn(seeders if isinstance(seeders, list) else [seeders], *aa, **kw) return e
[docs]@_ensure_seeders_list def pair(seeders, delegator_factory, *args, **kwargs): """ The basic pair producer. :return: a (seeder, delegator_factory(\*args, \*\*kwargs)) tuple. :param seeders: If it is a seeder function or a list of one seeder function, it is returned as the final seeder. If it is a list of more than one seeder function, they are chained together before returned as the final seeder. """ return (chain(*seeders) if len(seeders) > 1 else seeders[0], delegator_factory(*args, **kwargs))
def _natural_numbers(): x = 0 while 1: x += 1 yield x _event_space = _natural_numbers()
[docs]def pave_event_space(fn=pair): """ :return: a pair producer that ensures the seeder and delegator share the same event space. """ global _event_space event_space = next(_event_space) @_ensure_seeders_list def p(seeders, delegator_factory, *args, **kwargs): return fn(seeders + [per_event_source_id(event_space)], delegator_factory, *args, event_space=event_space, **kwargs) return p
[docs]def include_callback_query_chat_id(fn=pair, types='all'): """ :return: a pair producer that enables static callback query capturing across seeder and delegator. :param types: ``all`` or a list of chat types (``private``, ``group``, ``channel``) """ @_ensure_seeders_list def p(seeders, delegator_factory, *args, **kwargs): return fn(seeders + [per_callback_query_chat_id(types=types)], delegator_factory, *args, include_callback_query=True, **kwargs) return p
from . import helper
[docs]def intercept_callback_query_origin(fn=pair, origins='all'): """ :return: a pair producer that enables dynamic callback query origin mapping across seeder and delegator. :param origins: ``all`` or a list of origin types (``chat``, ``inline``). Origin mapping is only enabled for specified origin types. """ origin_map = helper.SafeDict() # For key functions that returns a tuple as key (e.g. per_callback_query_origin()), # wrap the key in another tuple to prevent router from mistaking it as # a key followed by some arguments. def tuplize(fn): def tp(msg): return (fn(msg),) return tp router = helper.Router(tuplize(per_callback_query_origin(origins=origins)), origin_map) def modify_origin_map(origin, dest, set): if set: origin_map[origin] = dest else: try: del origin_map[origin] except KeyError: pass if origins == 'all': intercept = modify_origin_map else: intercept = (modify_origin_map if 'chat' in origins else False, modify_origin_map if 'inline' in origins else False) @_ensure_seeders_list def p(seeders, delegator_factory, *args, **kwargs): return fn(seeders + [_wrap_none(], delegator_factory, *args, intercept_callback_query=intercept, **kwargs) return p